Taking the Time to Make the Time

Appreciating the little things that matter most

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Dear Diary

Why can’t we eat ice cream for every single meal? Why don’t puppies grow on trees? Why does Lou Gehrig’s Disease exist–and why can’t we find a cure for it? Heck, why can’t we find a cure for all terminal illnesses?

As a child, I was relentlessly asking my parents all sorts of questions. Lucky for me, they were always willing to field my questions and help my little mind wander. I’m thankful they never got sick of answering my silly, and sometimes serious, inquires because I still have that wonderful ability to let my mind wonder.

For instance, today I tried to imagine my life without ALS. I felt selfish in my wishing that I had never heard of Lou Gehrig’s disease, but unfortunately amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a huge part of who I am. When I first learned of my aunt’s prognosis, I immediately jumped online and begun researching the ins and outs of this terrible disease. There is information everywhere, which was extremely overwhelming (especially if you’re sensitive, like me). I decided not to look anymore and I made a pact to myself that I would ride the wave throughout this storm, taking in every crest and every trough as they came.

Our ride is not over, but it sure has been hard. I think that the worst part has been the feeling of losing someone, little by little. And each time I feel myself getting sad or teary eyed about what is going on, I try to think of all those good memories we share together. I once wrote that Gaga is like “a mom with no rules” because in her eyes she is my second mother, the only motherly thing she doesn’t do? Discipline us (and trust me, she loves the freedom to spoil us, then send us home all sugared up). But more than that, Gaga has taught me how to love by simply loving me and making me feel like her #1 baby girl/sweet pea/shining star/Bona babe, all the time, no matter how many miles were between us. Gaga has taught me that is okay to make mistakes…as long as I always call her first and listen to her advice on how to tell my own parents (sorry Mom & Dad, I called Gaga about that speeding ticket before you guys). And on that note, Gaga taught me how to drive…and that sometimes it is okay to drive fast (only if you’re going to miss the start of a Giants game or one of John’s hockey games). Gaga has been the most beautiful story teller when she reminisces with me about how lovely my grandmother was, how stubborn my dad was as a little boy, and how she was the reason for my parent’s love story. She has made me believe that there should be no guilt in watching episode after episode of Law & Order SVU or eating a whole bag of peppermint patties. She is also to blame for my creative side as she gave me a whole box of goodies when I was younger and let me create whatever the heck I wanted–then she always told me it was beautiful (it is to bad that Gaga wasn’t able to grade my paintings this semester, I would have received an A++++ in that class!). I believe that Gaga was the only one not complaining about my lack of fashion sense up until senior year in high school and while she gritted her teeth every time I picked mismatched clothes as gifts, she always went along with it (that’s love). Last, but certainly not least, Gaga has always made feel like I could do anything I set my mind to because she would always be there supporting me.

Well, friends, it is our turn to stand by our favorite lady and return all of her kind words, a shoulder that she always had to lean on, and the hand she was always holding.

Gaga, I promise to never stop smiling. I promise to keep being my quirky self. I promise to keep being creative. I promise to make mistakes and learn from them. I promise to never stop loving my family. Most importantly, I promise to never give up the fight because someone I love needs a cure.