Taking the Time to Make the Time

Appreciating the little things that matter most

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20 Resolutions for 2014

This year I resolve to…

1. Spend less time making decisions and just follow my heart.

2. Travel. A lot.

2a. Don’t forget to pack my friends and boyfriend.

3. Write more.

4. Read the newspaper everyday.

5. Be more comfortable with myself. Be confident. Stand up for what I believe in.

6. Learn how to budget my money.

6a. Save money.

7. Read more.

8. Gain a greater appreciation for morning routines.

8a. Set my alarm clock earlier.

8b. Forget what snooze is.

9. Cook/bake more.

9a. Try new recipes.

10. Try to paint my thumb green.

11. Keep smiling.

12. Spend more time with friends.

13. Keep loving passionately.

14. Stop worrying.

15. Be inspired by others.

15a. Inspire someone.

16. Keep playing the piano.

17. Listen more. The stories I’m going to hear will be happy, sad, exciting, startling, and blissful, pay attention.

18. More yoga.

19. More crafts.

20. Keep in contact better. My family loves to hear from you, so I should probably text them more regularly.

Above all, I declare that I will keep in mind how blessed I am. No matter what happens this year, no matter what obstacles and challenges I’m faced with, life is good and I’m extremely lucky.

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13 Lessons of 2013

It’s almost a new year. 2014 is quickly approaching and it represents a time for us to start anew. While 2014 is bound to be exhilarating with my college graduation, the crossing of some finish lines, and the beginning of new adventures (future puppy endeavors), there is a lot to be thankful for as 2013 comes to a close. This year went faster than Tom Hanks can say ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,’ but I learned quite a bit about the world around me and myself. Here are thirteen of the most important lessons I learned in 2013:

13. I’ve learned that ice cream will always be on my food pyramid. I strongly believe that dessert is one of the key ingredients to happiness (at least my own happiness).

12. I’ve learned that if you can laugh at your own jokes, then you’re already ahead of the game. If you know my humor, then this lesson explains itself.

11. I’ve learned that even on a gloomy day, slipping on your favorite dress can make a ray of sunshine appear. There is just something about a great pair of shoes or your favorite blouse that can make you feel like you are the best-dressed star on your own red carpet. One of my new year’s resolutions will be to only pack these items when I travel to avoid an impending diagnosis of scoliosis.

10. I’ve learned that it is possible to fall in love with 15 people in just three weeks. After taking the greatest Bona Voyage this summer, I walked away from this rewarding experience with 15 best friends and an even deeper appreciation for being a Bonnie.

9. I’ve learned that taking pictures are beautiful reminders of memories that have passed, but don’t forget to look out from behind that lens (or camera phone) and really enjoy the memories you’re making.

8. I’ve learned that communication is key. (This means real interaction, not simply texting or facebook chatting). Unplug from your tech toys and just talk. It doesn’t matter if it is light talk, heavy talk, easy talk, awkward talk, phone talk, funny talk, straight talk, clean talk, dirty talk—the point isn’t what kind of conversation is being held, the point is laughing and talking with each other. Being able to share in comfortable conversation is a key feature of a healthy relationship, as well as laughing, singing, dancing, playing, and simply having fun together!

7. I’ve learned that baseball ain’t that bad after all. It’s easy to see why baseball is America’s pastime after watching a few games at MLB’s most beautiful park in Pittsburgh with your favorite baseball player. (Thank you for this, Michael. You showed a great level of patience with me while I learned to love the game). 

6. I’ve learned that my parents are always right. My parents have always given me the best advice, but it wasn’t until this year that I actually learned they do in fact know what they are talking about. Thanks to Jack and Jude for always believing in me, sharing in my successes, and teaching me that compassion goes a long way. 

5. I’ve learned that the future is not something to stress over. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the whirlwind of college application, job searching, and apartment finding, but if you focus on the college acceptances, job interviews, and new adventures that are on the horizon, things don’t look so bad. If you have a dream, don’t give up on it because there are always people rooting for you and the little setbacks that stand in your way will make achieving your goal taste even sweeter (just think Panda Paws on a summer day). Another of my new year’s resolution will be to not worry as much because everything will indeed be okay.

4. I’ve learned that we need to take care of one another. I believe in the notion that people are good hearted and generosity fosters a comforting environment. I’ve learned that it doesn’t hurt to offer forgiveness and feel compassionate.

3. I’ve learned that you should never let a day pass by without telling your loved ones that you care for them. 

2. I’ve learned that love is real, and fun, and extraordinary. I was lucky enough to experience the “can’t eat, can’t eat, reach for the stars, over the fence, World Series kind of stuff” and the best part of those special feelings? My wonderful boyfriend makes me feel like a princess every single day. 

1. I’ve learned that happiness does exist. Being happy isn’t about having the latest gadgets or the newest designer handbag, but being content with where you are in your life, who you are making memories with, and being appreciative for what you do have. I’ve learned that the most ordinary things can be made extraordinary by doing them with the right people (thank you, family and friends) and what matters most is appreciating the little things. 

The best is yet to come, but don’t forget to be thankful for what you have learned in the past year.

Adios 2013! Cheers 2014!